


Skummende rengjøringsmiddel

  • Rengjøring innen landbruk

  • Skummende såpe

Area of ​​use BIOGEL is the new generation of detergent, more effective and tougher against dirt, and more environmentally friendly. The gel foam provides extended holding time and faster dissolution of biological material. Biogel is suitable for all types of surfaces and with its unique ability to hang on the wall for a long time, this is a good alternative to vertical surfaces. Also suitable for all other surfaces with a little extra dirt and grime. In agriculture, BIO GEL should be the first choice in pig houses, as well as in chicken farming and in chicken farming with slow-growing breeds.

User guide

First remove all coarse dirt, soak for up to 6 hours. 1% BIO GEL during the soaking time will be beneficial.

Foam the surfaces with BIO Gel in a 3-5% application solution.

Foaming on dry surfaces gives a better impact and a longer holding time.

Effect time 20-30 minutes. Do not let the product dry on the surfaces, top up with more soap if necessary (at high temperatures).

Wash with high pressure, 90 to 150 bar, hot or cold water, but not with temperatures above 45ºC. Use plenty of water.

Usage concentration

We recommend 3-5% usage concentration. Calculate 0.4 liters of ready-to-use solution per m2

Skummende rengjøringsmiddel